"Akram-At-Tafaseer" is yet another of Hazrat Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan's MZA undertakings, The whole Tafseer were delivered mainly during Jumma tul Mubarak Speeches and completed over 12 years in the Urdu Language, in most simplistic language for every lay person to understand. The publication work is in progress and near completion. This is available in Audio and Video formats..
"Akram-At-Tafaseer" is yet another of Hazrat Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan's MZA undertakings, The whole Tafseer were delivered mainly during Jumma tul Mubarak Speeches and completed over 12 years in the Urdu Language, in most simplistic language for every lay person to understand. The publication work is in progress and near completion. This is available in Audio and Video formats..